Coordinator Report — October 2019
Dear Cloak Community,
As we enter 2019’s final months, we remain proud of the progress made this year. Our coordination efforts continue to become, well, better coordinated!
The project continues to march forward, and our community is stronger than ever. Slowly but surely, we’re working to become the crypto industry’s #1 choice in privacy coins.
Some major Cloak products are on the horizon, and we’re excited to share them with all of you once they go live. Until then, let’s get you up to speed on what’s been keeping our global team of coordinators busy.
Iwidepiwi (Ivan) — PR & Marketing Lead & Dutch Coordinator
Lots of exciting activities kept me busy over the past two months.
If you’ve read the latest Marketing Report, you’re aware that my focus is on increasing brand awareness while improving the project’s internal structure.
Read Cloak‘s October 2019 Marketing Report
In addition to what’s in the report, I’ve been chasing new exchange listings. As the Binance scenario displayed, there’s lots of deception in the crypto-exchange industry. As such, determining which contacts are legitimate — and which are scammers — is a long and painstaking process.
Although there are no recent listings to report, I’ll continue to approach the ones on which we’d like to see CloakCoin trading.
For the months to come, I’ll focus on improving and upholding our new marketing strategy. I also aim to spark additional project interest by launching our ambassador program in the middle of November.
At the end of the day, Cloak is an amazing project that’s stood the test of time and outshines our privacy-focused competition in multiple ways. Let’s show the world what Cloak is made of!
Join the Dutch Cloak Community on Telegram:
iwidepiwi - PR & Marketing Lead & Dutch Coordinator
Follow @iwidepiwi1
Exslave (Joao)— Brazilian Portuguese Coordinator
Dear Cloak Community,
My recent initiatives include adding new vendors to the list of companies accepting CloakCoin. I’m also engaged in creating synergies with other projects that support and work for crypto adoption. After all, it only makes sense for us to share resources such as vendor contacts and adoption strategies.
Recent vendor enrollments include these organizations:
We're happy to announce that @wellspringcbd an online shop for high-quality CBD products accepts @CloakCoin as a payment method!
— CloakCoin Promo (@cloakcoin_promo) October 16, 2019
🌿 https://t.co/7bDpFGPiSA#CloakCoin #PayWithCloak #PayWithCrypto #CBD #Cryptocannabis #Cryptocurrency #WellspringCBD #Blockchain #CryptoAdoption pic.twitter.com/wdcLMoLIt7
We're happy to announce that HashTech a store for electronics & 3D printers from Brasil accepts @CloakCoin as a payment method!
— CloakCoin Promo (@cloakcoin_promo) September 26, 2019
🌐 https://t.co/ivtcYTwgkF#CloakCoin #PayWithCloak #PayWithCrypto #3DPrinter #Cryptocurrency #Hashtech #CryptoBrasil #Blockchain #CryptoAdoption pic.twitter.com/HZMGnOam5P
We're happy to announce that NicNac a web hosting provider accepts now @CloakCoin as a payment method!
— CloakCoin Promo (@cloakcoin_promo) September 16, 2019
🌐 https://t.co/7k3hidM496#CloakCoin #PayWithCloak #PayWithCrypto #VPN #Cryptocurrency #Hosting #NicNacWebhosting #Blockchain #ServerHosting #CryptoAdoption #Domain #Privacy pic.twitter.com/iBIvwux0NY
We're happy to announce that @bitcoinmeisterG
— CloakCoin Promo (@cloakcoin_promo) September 12, 2019
an online store for merchandise & crypto services accepts @CloakCoin as a payment method!
🏅 https://t.co/7Vi9SvLtyj#CloakCoin #PayWithCloak #PayWithCrypto #BitcoinMeister #Cryptocurrency #CryptoFashion #CryptoAdoption #Bitcoin pic.twitter.com/gRBTWaOnrN
We're happy to announce that @LinkSnappy a premium link generator for popular file host services accepts @CloakCoin as a payment method!
— CloakCoin Promo (@cloakcoin_promo) September 10, 2019
📥📤 https://t.co/FuPA4nfaB4#CloakCoin #PayWithCloak #PayWithCrypto #LinkSnappy #Premiumlink #Filehosting #CryptoAdoption #Blockchain pic.twitter.com/gOsDZIJfVw
We're happy to announce that @cinfuhosting a web hosting service provider accepts @CloakCoin as a payment method!
— CloakCoin Promo (@cloakcoin_promo) September 5, 2019
🌐 https://t.co/lanNcUQfpf#CloakCoin #PayWithCloak #PayWithCrypto #VPN #Cryptocurrency #Hosting #Domains #CinfuHosting #Blockchain #ServerHosting #CryptoAdoption pic.twitter.com/WgzTf9Me63
Other activities and what to expect:
- Drafted a ‘no-coiners’ manual for web-based businesses to start accepting cryptocurrencies, with a focus on the Shopify and WooCommerce platforms.
- Community management and translating CloakCoin content into Portuguese
- Teaming up with Iwidepiwi, I’m working to increase my relevance and reach on social media
- Coordination of a cross-marketing campaign with some of Cloak’s best vendors
I want to thank all team members and the community for their support on my new role — this spirit is what makes us #CloakStrong!
Peace and Love
Join the Portuguese Cloak Community on Telegram:
Exslave - Portugese Language Coordinator
Follow @exslave_cloak
Follow @Cloak_Brasil
Facebook - CloakCoin Brasil
CloakCoin é uma das primeiras moedas focada em privacidade e anônimato, ela vem funcionando desde 2014 bem no começo das moedas anônimas. Desde o início a CLOAK procura através do seu software...
Asertin — Turkish Coordinator
Dear Cloak Family,
This time around, I’m happy to announce that we finally got listed on a Turkish exchange with a fiat (Turkish Lira) pair. It’s quite essential to have various fiat pairs to become independent from bitcoin.
Since we are a payment solution, we need to stand out as a brand and should have our own payment gateway product. This was the idea recently discussed within Cloak team meetings, and research has begun.
I’m happy to report that the software architecture draft is complete. We can now begin to assess costs and research ways to make this idea a reality. I believe that it will come to life and become one of Cloak’s main advantages on the road to mass adoption.
There’s an ongoing debate on Crypto Twitter about how PoS might be better than PoW. While ETH and others try to switch to PoS consensus, one of the main supporters of PoS consensus, Emin Gün Sürer — who built Ava consensus — held a meetup in Istanbul on Oct 17. It was fantastic to exchange some ideas about the future of PoS while connecting with the Turkish community.
Join the Turkish Cloak Community on Telegram:
Asertin - Turkish Coordinator
Follow @asertincrypto
Follow @Cloak_Turkey
Shibob — Vietnamese Coordinator
Dear Cloak Community!
During the past two months, we opened multiple discussions about the Cloak project within Vietnam’s crypto community. We tend to agree that market conditions are unfavorable across the board. We foresee the impending recovery strengthening local support for Cloak.
Some of the oldest and most active crypto communities in Vietnam are now discussing the Cloak project, including bitcoingardenVN, Coiner_VN, TradingCryptoCelio0, BlockchainCrews, and TradersVN.
On multiple occasions, I met with the team from Bcnex exchange. They’re growing very fast and plan to release some excellent products. It’s interesting how all of their founding members not only profoundly understand our project, but also show interest in trading CloakCoin on their exchange. Hopefully, we’ll see a listing there soon.
Peace & Love
Join the Vietnamese Cloak Community on Telegram:
ShiBob89 - Vietnamese Coordinator
Follow @ShiBob89
Igors — Russian Coordinator
Dear Cloak Community,
I welcome you to read my previous monthly update. As mentioned within, I will focus on concrete goals. Here’s the progress I made regarding those points:
- Collecting ideas and working on UX and UI for the upcoming BYOB DEX
- Supporting the Russian market for Beaxy and awaiting a response regarding listing CloakCoin on the exchange
- Negotiating with additional exchanges
- Coordinating Cloak content translations into various languages
- Reaching out to crypto influencers in an effort to organize a video interview with Cloak
I’m always happy to hear your suggestions and ideas for improving and further developing the CloakCoin project.
Join the Russian Cloak Community on Telegram:
Igor Fridkin - Russian Coordinator
Follow @IgorsLat
Follow @Cloak_Russia
Summing Up
While our coordinators increase awareness of the Cloak project, the core team is hard at work with complementary efforts. Yes, there’s some overlap — which is undoubtedly positive!
These are the main tasks that we currently focus on:
- Exchange listings
- Coordination of development activities
- Partnerships and cooperation with other blockchain projects
The Cloak project is striving towards a world in which everyone has complete control over their personal finances via quick, secure, and private transactions. And we’re certainly headed in that direction.
Until next time, our beloved community, don’t forget to Pay With Cloak, Not Your Privacy!