CloakCoin V2.2.2.0 'REVOLUTION' for Raspberry Pi

Development Team

Dear Cloak Community,

We're very pleased to announce the new Raspberry Pi wallet, including a brand new update of our Enigma Payment System.

Primarily a bug-fix release, Version 'rEVOLUTION' also brings the ENIGMA Engine Version 1.1 to CloakCoin users.

Everyone is encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible.

This will improve stability/security of the network and should resolve disconnection issues when sending Enigma transactions.

Version 'rEVOLUTION' - ENIGMA Engine v1.1 - Enigma functionality is not backwards compatible. Older nodes will not be able to interface with updated nodes.


For additional help and support, you can find us on RocketChat or view the CloakWiki.

Peace & Love

Team Cloak

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