Press kit
& brand assets

This is our press kit for media coverage that you can use.

Press Kit

We would please ask you not to alter our logo in any way. We prepared guidelines to help you use Cloak brand and assets, including our logo, fonts, color palettes, and a Cloak brochure.


You can use the graphics to promote CloakCoin on social media channels

Our brand

You can use the Cloak logos to link to and to attach it to a blog post, new article, or press release about Cloak

Transaction system

You can use Enigma logos to link to and to attach it to a blog post, or press release about Enigma

Pay With Cloak

You can use the 'Pay with Cloak' logo to link to and to attach it to your online shop

Brand Font

The official font used in Cloak and Enigma branding is Classic Robot


Color Palette

The colors that are used for the logo and the style elements:

RGB 255, 255, 255
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0
RGB 235, 74, 39
HEX #eb4a27
CMYK 0, 69, 83, 8
RGB 150, 156, 169
HEX #969ca9
CMYK 11, 8, 0, 34
RGB 23, 39, 57
HEX #172739
CMYK 60, 32, 0, 78


CloakCoin is a cryptocurrency designed to facilitate private, secure and untraceable decentralized transfers with Enigma

