Crypto & Privacy Education

The Next Crypto Market Sensation

How Is CloakCoin The Next Crypto Market Sensation?

It is said that CloakCoin not only presents the direction of the future of cryptocurrency, but it also is the future of cryptocurrency. With all the…
Auditable Supply
Jon |

Untraceable Yet Transparent

CloakCoin Invites You to Audit Our Monetary Supply
Transparency lies at the heart of the cryptocurrency industry. The disingenuous banking industry’s lack thereof is why the pseudo-anonymous Satoshi …
Privacy Coin
Jon |

Neden bir Gizlilik Coini Kullanmak, Küresel Vatandaş Olarak Haklarımızı Korur?

Dünyadaki 7+ Milyar insanın Gizliliğe Hakkı var!
Çevrimiçi gizlilik, günümüzün birbirine bağlı küresel toplumunda giderek daha fazla önem kazanıyor. Veriler, dünyanın en değerli kaynağı olarak pet…
Privacy Coins

Comparing CloakCoin to the leading Privacy Coins in 2019

The essence of Bitcoin, upon its conception, was to give back financial power to the masses. Banks and other monetary institutions had control over …